A, shipping export business: According to a client, before and after all the goods for export business; audit clients with a range of inventory and issued; versions and all kinds of documents; booking, customs clearance; for a certificate, insurance policy and inspection certificate; container leasing and packing; domestic transport, enter the port, shipping; issue bills of lading, transport fees settlement, Express domestic and foreign documents; for import customs clearance in foreign countries, tax, unpacking / transit, delivery; for the agency business in foreign countries.
Second, the seaborne imports of business: According to a client, following a FOB-factory from foreign to domestic factories (door to door), or for import and agency before and after the arrival of all the business. 1, the imported goods arrive with a range of audit clients before the list and issued; tracking ship dynamics; choose the best transportation organizations and transportation programs. 2 After the arrival of imported goods transit / customs, taxes, seized three, insurance; check the quantity of goods, appearance, obtain defect records; port transfer, delivery, shipment organization; implementation of transit and transshipment of discharge work; container demolition, packing and transport; develop large equipment transport loading, strapping, reinforcement, field monitoring equipment, unloading. 航空货运方式 1. 班机运输(Scheduled airline):班机指有具体固定开航时间,固定航线,固定始发站,经停站和目的站的飞机;常采用客货机在客运航班的机腹中载货; 2. 包机运输(Chartered carrier):整机包机和部分包机; 整机包机:包租整架飞机,指航空公司或包机代理公司按照合同中双方事先约定的条件和运价,将整架飞机租给包机人,从一个或机场航空港装运货物到指定的目的地的运输方式; 部分包机:由几家货运代理公司联合包租一架飞机,或由航空公司把一架飞机的仓位分别卖给几家货运代理公司装载货运的运输方式; 3. 航空快递(air express service):由快递公司利用其机队或与航空公司合作,向货主提供的快递服务,货在到达目的地后,由专人接机提货,办妥进关手续并直接送达收货人,Desk to Desk service。