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海运拼箱苏瓦斐济 海运代理苏瓦斐济
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012/10/16 9:04:42  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

并与各大船公司建立了良好的合作关系,每年通过海运的进口和出口标装箱达到非常可观的数量,成为众多船公司的VIP客户,并成为多家全球物流供应商在中国大陆区的空运进出口货运与清关代理海运拼箱。作为传统优势项目,现已开通全球100余个国际港口的直拼业务,并可满足客户发往世界各地的运送要求,提供全程的门到门服务,并且,除常规标准箱运输外,还可提供干散货、件杂货、冷冻货、危险品、大件、私人行李等特种货物的运输服务。 We manage the distribution of cargoes via air, land & sea around the world. Everstar has what it takes in the shipping industry, the capacity to handle all types of cargoes including LCL's, FCL's, Bulk, Tank, and Project cargo.
    We are top 5 local forwarder for intra-Asia trade & top 10 for transpacific trade in China. 
    Global network & service with reliable quality, class A forwarder of MOFTC, NVOCC of MOC, total over 300 staffs in China, monthly vol. over 10000 TEU, over 100 trucks & over 50000m2 warehouse in Shanghai, ISO9001 accreditation, integrated "e-solution", and good relationship with major global carriers, all these mentioned above make us a full logistics services provider.
    We have extensive network and over 40 Everstar's agents in Asia, so we can provide full service for Intra-Asia trade. In the world, there are more than 100 Everstar's agents cooperate with each other towards the end of "door-delivery-service". Reliable network renders us an expert-class provider in worldwide logistics. 
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