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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2014/5/20 9:08:26  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

located in Shenzhen of China,is an international freight forwarder and global logistic service provider.seagulls has a group of experienced specialist in this field, furthermore, every employee in seagulls is well trained. Believe us, we can provide our best service for you.We offer a series of both domestic and international services such as:

1)Worldwide ocean freight and air freight services for Imp. & Exp. shipments(include dangerous fireworks and general goods)

2) Warehousing, distribution, insurance, customs brokerage, visa

3) For direct, multimodal, consolidated and container cargo

4) Professional door-to-door logistics

5) Cargo Tracking 致力于整合全球四大快递公司UPS、DHL、FEDEX、TNT,与国际EMS和国际空运等世界  性优质速递物流资源,为中国电子商务外贸商提供快速、优惠、安全的国际物流服务,让中国产品迈向世界!
公司沉淀近10年国际速递物流行业经验,拥有专业从事国际航空货物运输服务多年的资深人,主要代理香港DHL、香港UPS、  香港联邦FEDEX 、香港TNT 、香港EMS、 中国EMS 和新加坡EMS等国际物流服务;50,000多个投递地点,通达全球180多个国  家门到门环球速递,能在24小时内为您提供国际快递服务,提高综合服务质量,通过薄利多销和诚信经营,降低企业的物流  成本,以诚信获取客户的信任。为各客户提供安全、及时的。准确、快捷的报关系统,使您的货物在世界各地畅通无阻

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