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shipping methods | |||||
作者:佚名 国际海运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2015-7-20 | |||||
● 提供进口货物的换单、清关、报检、码头接货等分服务。 ● 提供整箱货物的直提和拼箱货物的拆箱分拨服务。 ● 接受国外进口大件、重件货物的报运业务。 出口业务流程: (一)海运出口订舱服务 如果您有货物需出口至国外,您可以放心地委托我公司全权代理,只要您填写一张货物出口委托单,其内容包括:发货人、通知人、起运港、到达港、目的地、品名、箱量、货量、拟配船、运费支付方式等,并船舶开航前十五天内叫我公司业务人员,他们就会根据提供的资料,帮您办理货物出口订舱手续。在替您的货物订好舱位后,我公司业务人员将主动以电话、传真等多种方式通知您已配的船名、航次、提单号、开舱日等信息。You are still required for their goods do not know how to retrieve the trouble? Also the approach for the delivery of the goods, not to worry about shipping methods to find a suitable time? Remote pickup, on behalf of the signed delivery note, turn off the export, domestic and foreign procurement, is the best for you, we will be based on your actual needs, tailored to your personalized, streamlined, and the right of the . Professional team, excellent management team, many years of successful logistics operation experience, increasingly improved distribution network and the realistic spirit of cooperation, we will use our strength and sincerity to service you! |
国际海运录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |||||
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